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July 12, 2024

Manifesting Joy: Fun Ways to Use Visualization Techniques

Have you ever wished you could wave a magic wand and completely transform your life?  Imagine holding a magic wand– picture it in as much detail as possible – the color, the texture, the weight, and size. Now, take a moment to think about your heart’s deepest desire. If you knew you could wave that wand and manifest anything, what would appear before your eyes? A fulfilling career opportunity, a loving romantic relationship, vibrant health, perhaps a sense of inner peace, or something you gave up longing for? Let your imagination run wild and visualize your wish coming true. Can you suspend your doubt and allow yourself to believe in the power your wand wields? Even if just for a moment, can you spend time in the magic of make-believe? Feel the excitement, the joy, and the satisfaction pulsating throughout your body. Perhaps you have a special gesture, or a beautiful incantation that activates the wand. Have fun with it, and take pleasure in the knowledge that there’s value, even if you don’t fully understand it, you’re still positively impacted along the way…

The magic wand exercise is one of many examples of how we can use creative visualization to enhance different areas of our lives. A creative visualization practice is a fun and practical way to manifest more levity, joy, and pleasure in your daily routines, and start dreaming bigger dreams for yourself. Let’s continue to explore some fun and easy visualization techniques that will help you better understand how to use your innate source of imagination in a more conscious way to increase the natural goodness and abundance of life.

The Power of Play and Imagination in Visualization

Visualization is an opportunity to exercise our imagination muscles. By definition, imagination is the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality. A strong imagination knows no bounds, and requires you to forgo the rational and embrace the radical, believing in your creation and yourself wholeheartedly. The sooner you can do this the easier it will be to embody the energy that’s in alignment with your desires. There’s also no better way to stimulate our imagination than introducing play into our visualizations.

Play is a powerful tool that connects all the elements of a quality visualization practice, therefore supporting our ability to manifest our desires. Play drops us in the present moment, allowing us to simply BE with no resistance. When our energy is blocked or distracted, it’s difficult to receive. We are no longer attuned to a frequency where the channel is clear and open, so play adjusts our baseline to be in the frequency of joy. Next, playing is an act of doing that stems from our innate source of vitality, which helps us guide our energy in a specific direction. Movement connects us with our body, where we can tap into how we feel. Through play and imagination, you have an opportunity to generate a visceral feeling in your body, which communicates to your brain that you’re experiencing the feelings attached to the visualization in real time. This state of flow aligns perfectly with the process of manifestation, making our visualizations more potent and effective. When we play with a purpose, we can set specific intentions to infuse into the practice of play and nurture our subconscious into truly believing in what’s being played out.

Exercises to Infuse into Personal Growth and Self-Development

  1. Professional Role-Playing: Instead of dressing up as a princess, consider role-playing as a successful professional in your desired field. Dress in your best business attire, and act out a day in the life of this successful version of yourself. How do you start your day? How do you interact with colleagues and clients? What kind of decisions do you make? This exercise can help you visualize and embody the traits needed for your career growth.
  2. Visionary Conversations: Gather with friends or colleagues and have intentional conversations about your future aspirations. For instance, if you aim to host a significant industry event, discuss the details as if it’s already happening. Who are the attendees? What is the agenda? What outcomes do you expect? This exercise helps to concretize your goals and can spark actionable ideas.
  3. Personal Development Workshops: Organize a workshop or a retreat with friends focused on personal development. Include activities like goal setting, vision boarding, and strategic planning sessions. Discuss and share your career goals, life aspirations, and the steps needed to achieve them. This setting provides support and accountability, making your ambitions more attainable.
  4. Creative Networking Events: Host or attend networking events that encourage creative thinking and professional growth. These can be themed events where attendees discuss their future projects and goals in a relaxed, imaginative environment. This approach can foster deeper connections and collaborative opportunities.

The Wisdom of Shakti Gawain – Finding Your Treasure!

For those wanting to delve deeper into the world of visualization, Shakti Gawain’s book, Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life, is a must-read. Gawain beautifully explains the concept of visualization and provides practical exercises that can help you harness the power of your imagination to manifest your desires. One of my favorite concepts Gawain explores is “Treasure Maps,” or an actual physical picture of your desired reality, similar to a blueprint for an architectural design. You can create your treasure map for a specific area in your life, such as health, self-image and beauty, relationships, job or career, creativity, friends and family, or travel. The idea is to create a picture by drawing, painting, or collaging your ideal situation in its complete form, as if it already exists. You don’t need to portray the process, just the final product. Be sure to include an actual photo of yourself, use lots of vibrant colors, symbols, and affirmations. When you’re finished, put it in a place where you’ll see it daily, and think about you finding your treasure every so often. This will train your subconscious mind to acknowledge your vision, and over time you can identify the clues you’ve placed in your treasure map!


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