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Embody the Wisdom of Gaia

Welcome to our virtual sanctuary where you will find a welcome respite for your mind, body, soul and heart.

Join hearts and hands as Gaia's community experiences magical moments imbued with the wisdom of nature.

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Essence of Gaia Goddess

Our Mission

As an eco-Feminist brand, Gaia Goddess is committed to empowering the divine feminine in connection with the wisdom and nurturance of nature.

We create a communal space for women to flourish as they discover the healer within.

Three Pillars of Our Brand

Our sisterhood supports the empowerment and inspired expression of all women as they discover the healer within.


We create a vast array of educational experiences that appeal and cater to the multifaceted women in our community.


We plan to support our wellness community with an array of offerings designed to augment Gaia's healing experiences.

Goods & Services

The Values That Guide Us

We stand for love, inclusion, peace, freedom, and unity and endeavor to create lasting healing for both humanity and our beautiful planet, Gaia.


As a diverse and inclusive brand, we support the cross section of the feminine across all cultures, ethnicities and gender identities.

Lasting Impact

Our programs and offerings are created to provide transformative experiences that continually guide our community.

Ongoing Improvement

Relying heavily on membership feedback and surveys, we remain responsive to the changing needs and desires of our community.

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Our Founder

Maria Marshall

CEO + Founder

Maria has a strong background in visual arts and was educated at Fashion Institute of Technology and Parsons School of Design. She is a conscious creative who utilizes social entrepreneurism, storytelling and community building to inspire, heal and empower women.

Additionally, Maria has worked as a holistic volunteer and gifts reiki and reiki training to the disadvantaged.


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