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August 9, 2023

Finding Balance in Business: A Lesson in Fun, Flow, and Slowing Down

By Maria Marshall

Running a startup can be overwhelming, but two quotes have recently served as guiding lights for me during high-pressure moments:

  • “When you are having fun, money comes to the party.” — Gary Douglas, Access Consciousness
  • “Nature doesn’t hurry, and yet everything gets accomplished.” — Lao Tzu

A Lesson in Preparation

Last week, while engaging in an aspect of my business that I genuinely enjoy—interviewing guests for podcasts—I learned a valuable lesson. In my rush to keep up with a busy schedule, I overlooked the importance of preparation. Without enough time to research, I dove into an interview with Yasmine Boland, an award-winning astrologer and best-selling Hay House author of Moonology, a guide on manifesting magic through moon cycles.

Within seconds of starting the interview, Yasmine called me out, saying, “Basically, you have no idea who I am or what I do. How are you going to interview me?” I was mortified. I immediately took full responsibility and apologized sincerely. Despite the rocky start, the interview turned out to be a success, and Yasmine’s work truly fascinated me. I even ordered Moonology and signed up for her upcoming workshop on July 30th.

Embracing the Message

At the end of the podcast, I placed my hands on my heart, got emotional, and apologized again. Yasmine graciously pulled a card from her Moonology Oracle Deck (the top-charting oracle deck ever published), which read “Take a breath.” She then spent 10 minutes offering advice on slowing down and finding balance. Yasmine pointed out that this experience was a message from the universe—I needed to prioritize balance in my life.

I vowed to take this lesson to heart. No one enjoys feeling uncomfortable, but I recognized that this experience was an opportunity for growth. Yasmine and I also discussed the importance of focusing on the joy and playfulness that my business brings. Since then, I’ve been asking myself daily: What do I love to do?

Rediscovering What Brings Me Joy

One of the things I love most about my business is creating content with the incredible women it connects me to. Each healer and practitioner I meet brings their unique healing story, passion, and love into the Gaia Goddess community. Filming and interviewing these remarkable women never gets old.

I also enjoy creating reels—sharing inspiration, insights, and bite-sized content with our followers. Though it’s time-consuming, it’s incredibly rewarding. Over the past decade, I’ve experienced significant personal growth, and I love sharing the wisdom I’ve gained with our growing community.

And of course, I absolutely LOVE to write. Even as I write this post, I feel fully engaged and at ease. Sharing openly and honestly comes naturally to me, and I hope that by sharing my experiences with vulnerability, others can relate and find value in my journey.

Moving Forward with Grace

As I reflect on this lesson, I feel grateful for the continuous opportunities to grow through my business. However, I do have one small request for the universe: please space out these lessons enough so I can integrate them without needing too many repeats!

Love, Light, and Gaia,

Maria Marshall



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