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September 1, 2023

Elevate Your Creative Process: Building and Using a Personal Altar

By Jordan Rome

Did you know that altars can serve as powerful tools outside of religious practices? They can help you connect to your purpose or passion. While altars have roots in religious and spiritual worship, they aren’t confined to any specific tradition. The altar work we’re discussing here isn’t about idolatry or any particular faith; think of it as an “elevated vision board”—a sacred space to honor what’s meaningful and deepen your creative experience.

What You’ll Need to Build a Creative Altar

To get started, you’ll need just a few essential items to create a “creative altar” that can elevate your process:

  1. Designated Space: Choose a table, shelf, or surface that feels special and sacred. This will be your consistent go-to spot.
  2. White Candle: Light the candle whenever you spend time at your altar. It represents the element of fire, symbolizing activation, passion, creation, and divine light.
  3. Meaningful Objects: Add material representations of your project. For instance, if you’re working on a startup, you might include brainstorming notes, a list of dream clients, and symbols of abundance like loose change. For a film project, you could place your script, props, or images that inspire you. Let your intuition guide you in choosing items that light you up.
  4. Offerings: Consider offering flowers or other tokens of appreciation to your altar. These can infuse beauty and nature’s elemental energy, fostering a sense of harmony and flow.

Protecting Your Vision

Every creation deserves protection. As you embark on new projects, it’s common to encounter naysayers or internal doubts. To safeguard your vision, add protective elements to your altar:

  • Symbols of Protection: Consider using an evil eye talisman, known across cultures to ward off jealousy and negative energy.
  • Cleansing Herbs: Use herbs like sage, copal, or palo santo to clear negative energy. Burn them around your altar to keep distractions at bay and reinforce your intention.
  • Essential Oils: Add protective herbs like rosemary (for purification and mental clarity) or basil (for positive energy and good fortune) in their essential oil form. Spray the area with a water bottle infused with a few drops.
  • Cleanliness: Regularly clean your altar space—both physically and energetically—to keep it open for blessings and creative flow.

How to Use Your Altar to Amplify Your Project

Your altar is a sacred space that offers clarity and fresh perspective. Visit it whenever you feel anxious, confused, or doubtful about your project.

Here are some ways to make the most of your altar:

  • Meditation & Visualization: Light your candle, relax, and visualize the best possible outcome for your project. Release heavy emotions and let yourself be present.
  • Speak Prayers & Blessings: If you have a prayer practice, use this time to speak life over your work. The key is heartfelt intention—do what feels right for you.
  • Consistent Practice: Regular visits to your altar can lead to intuitive insights and guidance. Over time, you may receive “downloads” that help you navigate challenges and inspire new ideas.

The Balance Between Logic and Creativity

When working on any project, it’s natural to rely on logic and practicality. These qualities help us stay organized and focused. However, balancing this with the intuitive, creative energy fostered by altar work can bring a deeper sense of purpose and alignment.

While hard work and persistence are vital, they aren’t the only pathways to success. By incorporating heart-centered practices, you can elevate your efforts to a higher vibration. This creates a powerful aura around your intentions, helping you manifest your goals more effortlessly.

Final Thoughts

Get clear on your intentions and ask yourself what you hope to achieve with this practice. Show up consistently for yourself in this sacred space, and you may find that your wildest dreams start to unfold. By blending practicality with creativity and mindfulness, you create a balanced, holistic approach to achieving your goals.

Ready to elevate your creative process? Build your altar, set your intentions, and watch your vision flourish!



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